Monday, October 25, 2010

Week of October 25-29

  The movie Paper Clips is about this one little school in Tennessee and they were collecting paper clips for all the ones who died in the Holocaust.So they started to ask everybody around the world and they got paper clips from famous people like Tom Hanks and Bill Cosby.
   Today we finished watching the Paper Clips movie and it was kind of sad.The children finally fished collecting there paper clips and some one suggested that they get a rail road car that used to transport people to concentration camps.So they did and they found one in Germany and sent it by boat to Baltimore and then on train to Tennessee then by a eighteen wheeler to the school.When they got it they started to put all the paper clips into the car and once they were finished they started giving tours to other students from different schools.
  This week in Globaloria is how not to judge people by what they look like or how they talk or silly things like that.We saw that by one little school could make a whole diffrence in the world.Paper Clip Project Homepage
  Yesterday we were searching for a website that had the paper clips project home page,and we had to make a link to it on our post.We also did a online survey for Globaloria and it was asking us to rate how they were doing as teachers.
  All this week we've been doing research on our game topic.We've been on Brain Pop,Wikipedia,and other websites like that.We've been also doing is Looking at Whitwell's project which is collecting paper clips for all the people who died in the Holocaust.It was emotional for them because they got to see and meet real Holocaust survivers.I think they were inspirational to the people who had family in the Holocaust and one little school could make the whole world change the way we look at people.

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